Helper Information

This page contains information for parent, teacher or other person who wants to help the student learn to read.

Read these directions through to the end before giving the student the app.

Make sure the student knows how to  select a lesson and how to start, stop and go forward or backward on the videos.

Helper, please  watch the videos yourself so you know what is there. Videos are 5-10 minutes long.

The following directions will get the new reader started, then like a chain reaction, he or she will learn how to read.  (I will use “he” or “him” from here onward to denote both sexes.)

Note:  The student should be rested and fed before being asked to work on his reading lessons.  Never force the student.  If he doesn’t want to do it, then don’t do it. There will come a time when you won’t be able to stop him from doing the video lessons.

Note:  If the student stops somewhere in the middle of a video at a place where he doesn’t feel good about doing it, then ask him to go back a  minute or two or three on the video and start from there.  If that doesn’t get him interested, then go further back or to a previous video.

The student should always end his reading lesson when he is feeling good about it.

The first lesson is the most difficult. Allow the student to go over the first video as many times as he needs to fully understand it and make it his own.

Note:  Never quiz a student or answer a student’s questions with a question.  Do not  make him try to figure it out.  Simply answer his question and stop talking.  Let the student look at the video. He will try to figure it out for himself. If he has trouble he will ask a question. Just answer his question and let him continue watching the video.

Note: do not force the student to write. Provide paper, pencil or crayon and let him write, draw, scribble or do whatever he wants to do.  Remember, this app belongs to the student and does not belong to the teacher, parent or helper.  Let the student please himself with what he does with his paper.  The goal is to teach him to read, not to teach him to write.

The student soon will catch on to how to go on alone. The app does the work. He just watches it over and over.

Do not expect the student to know words that he has not been taught. These are only the first lessons and much has been left out.  More will appear in later apps in the series.

 There is little that can go wrong but if the student is not interested, then figure out what didn’t make sense to him. Tell him what it is, answer his questions and let him go on alone, or tell him to go back over the videos he has already watched.  Tell him it is okay to watch each video many times.

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